
JESSE DAVEY formed KingTone in 1999 after the break-up of his now legendary band, The Hoax – the award-winning British Blues band he and his mates formed in 1991. 

At 8 years old Jesse became fascinated with electronics and began learning how to build circuits in his Dad’s workshop. After getting the music bug and starting to learn guitar a few years later, he applied his electronics knowledge to creating and modifying pedals, amps, and guitars for his young band mates. If they couldn’t get the sound they wanted from what was commercially available, Jesse would modify their gear, or create entirely new gear to meet their needs.  At 16 Jesse met legendary British amplifier builder Brian Jefferys who became a mentor, and would let Jesse hang out and watch him build amps all day, occasionally giving the soldering iron to Jesse, saying, “You fix that one.” During his tours with The Hoax, Jesse would often be making tweaks and upgrades to the band’s gear minutes before a show – pictures of the band on stage often show amps out of their boxes because there wasn’t enough time to put them back together again.

Being a very talented musician himself lent him a deep insight into what others were looking for in their gear, and he’s carried that forward with the work he now does with KingTone products.

It’s this unique duality of Jesse’s personality – both clever electronics designer and intensely passionate musician – that gives his gear a symbiotic connection with the players who choose it. And those players are some of the most respected in the world.

KingTone is a family business, run by Jesse and his wife Krystal. Everything is hand built with love and tone

JESSE DAVEY formed KingTone in 1999 after the break-up of his now legendary band, The Hoax – the award-winning British Blues band he and his mates formed in 1991.  At 8 years old Jesse... mehr erfahren »
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JESSE DAVEY formed KingTone in 1999 after the break-up of his now legendary band, The Hoax – the award-winning British Blues band he and his mates formed in 1991. 

At 8 years old Jesse became fascinated with electronics and began learning how to build circuits in his Dad’s workshop. After getting the music bug and starting to learn guitar a few years later, he applied his electronics knowledge to creating and modifying pedals, amps, and guitars for his young band mates. If they couldn’t get the sound they wanted from what was commercially available, Jesse would modify their gear, or create entirely new gear to meet their needs.  At 16 Jesse met legendary British amplifier builder Brian Jefferys who became a mentor, and would let Jesse hang out and watch him build amps all day, occasionally giving the soldering iron to Jesse, saying, “You fix that one.” During his tours with The Hoax, Jesse would often be making tweaks and upgrades to the band’s gear minutes before a show – pictures of the band on stage often show amps out of their boxes because there wasn’t enough time to put them back together again.

Being a very talented musician himself lent him a deep insight into what others were looking for in their gear, and he’s carried that forward with the work he now does with KingTone products.

It’s this unique duality of Jesse’s personality – both clever electronics designer and intensely passionate musician – that gives his gear a symbiotic connection with the players who choose it. And those players are some of the most respected in the world.

KingTone is a family business, run by Jesse and his wife Krystal. Everything is hand built with love and tone

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KingTone Blues Power Deluxe
KingTone Blues Power Deluxe
The Blues Power Deluxe - The Ultimate Transparent Overdrive Designed for the guitarist seeking perfection, The Blues Power Deluxe combines impeccable craftsmanship with versatile tonal control. Hand-wired with premium through-hole...
579,00 € *
KingTone Buffer
KingTone Buffer
The KingTone Buffer A buffer may seem like a boring utility, but it can be one of the most crucial components in your setup. Without a buffer, you might end up with a dull, lifeless tone that lacks dynamic range and touch sensitivity....
139,00 € *
KingTone - Heavy Hand
KingTone - Heavy Hand
The Heavy Hand is a powerful overdrive pedal that delivers thick, chewy drive tones with exceptional sustain. It offers a transparent, open sound stage without the usual mid-hump found in many overdrives. If green pedals aren’t your...
429,00 € *
KingTone Switch Duet
KingTone Switch Duet
Opens The Door To Tone. This version of the Kingtone Switch is especially designed for two pickup, two volume control guitars. The DUET features a dual KingTone Switch circuit, one for each pickup. This brings the power of the KingTone...
139,00 € *
KingTone - Battery Box 2X
KingTone - Battery Box 2X
Der Betrieb Ihrer Pedale mit Batterien verbessert den Klang und reduziert das Rauschen. Die Kingtone Battery Box verbindet Ihre Batterien mit Ihren Pedalen ohne dazwischen liegende Komponenten, nur die Batterie ist direkt mit dem Pedal...
189,00 € *
KingTone Bluebird J1 Pickups
KingTone Bluebird J1 Pickups
These BlueBird pickups were designed in 2006 and have maintained the precise, exacting specifications and tone throughout production. The acclaimed BlueBird J1s are a meticulously crafted set of single coil electric guitar pickups,...
379,00 € *
KingTone Switch Classic
KingTone Switch Classic
Der KingTone Switch öffnet die Tür zu einem großartigen Ton und ganz neuen Sound-Variationen. Dieser Schalter ist vollständig gekapselt, um vor Feuchtigkeit zu schützen. Das Design ist 100% passiv, d.h. Sie benötigen keine Batterie. Es...
139,00 € *
KingTone Duellist Silver 2022
KingTone Duellist Silver 2022
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479,00 € *
KingTone - Battery Box 4X
KingTone - Battery Box 4X
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219,00 € *
KingTone Rise - Treble Booster
KingTone Rise - Treble Booster
The RISE is a reimagining of the classic germanium treble boosters of yesteryear. The RISE is a Boost, a Drive and a Fuzz all in one. Use the RISE to overdrive a tube amp or push an overdrive pedal into smooth/creamy saturation. The...
379,00 € *
KingTone Switch Blues
KingTone Switch Blues
Der KingTone Switch öffnet die Tür zu einem großartigen Ton und ganz neuen Sound-Variationen. Dieser Schalter ist vollständig gekapselt, um vor Feuchtigkeit zu schützen. Das Design ist 100% passiv, d.h. Sie benötigen keine Batterie. Es...
139,00 € *
KingTone Blues Power
KingTone Blues Power
The Blues Power is a truly transparent overdrive, renowned for its versatility and for producing ‘always-on’ amp breakup tones. This pedal delivers a full-range, amp-like tone with responsive bass and treble controls. Its wide-range...
429,00 € *
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