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LF Tele Steel Pole 43g - Bridge Black String
LF Tele Steel Pole 43g - Bridge Black String
Der Steel Pole Tele Bridge-Pickup ist eine großartige Lösung für einen lauten, hellen Stegtonabnehmer. Dieser Tonabnehmer bietet einen riesigen, kräftigen Mitteltonbereich. Verstellbare Pol-Pieces ermöglichen die Feinabstimmung der...
135,00 € *
Lindy Fralin Split Blade Tele Black - Set
Lindy Fralin Split Blade Tele Black - Set
Vintage Output, Medium Radius Split-Blade Tele-Pickups: revolutionäres Design, reiner Telecaster-Ton, ohne Nebengeräusche. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Tonabnehmern haben wir unsere Split Blades mit einer Links-Rechts-Spule...
289,00 € *
LF Tele Steel Pole 42g Neck OT Raw Nickel Set
LF Tele Steel Pole 42g Neck OT Raw Nickel Set
Steel Pole 42 Tele Pickups sind die perfekte Mischung aus einem P90 und einem traditionellen Tele Pickup. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem dicken, warmen und kräftigeren Klang sind, werden Sie den Klang dieses Modells lieben....
269,00 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Chrome cover
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Chrome cover
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
379,00 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Nickel cover
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Nickel cover
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
379,00 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Gold cover
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Set 50 mm Gold cover
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
379,00 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Neck 50 mm Chrome
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Neck 50 mm Chrome
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
LF FralinTron Neck 50 mm Polished Nickel
LF FralinTron Neck 50 mm Polished Nickel
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Neck 50 mm Gold
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Neck 50 mm Gold
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Chrome
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Chrome
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
LF FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Polished Nickel
LF FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Polished Nickel
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Gold cover
Lindy Fralin FralinTron Bridge 50 mm Gold cover
Lindy’s Fralin’Tron improves on models like our Sunbucker Blues, which features more of a “single-coil” clarity while keeping it 100% hum canceling. As a result, this model provides a tone with a focused wound string and a rounder treble...
189,50 € *
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